My Favourite Apps of 2023 - A Personal Journey Through Tech

Hey everyone, Robert James Gabriel here!

As we bid farewell to another whirlwind year in the tech world, I wanted to take a moment and share with you some apps that have made a significant impact on my daily life. From productivity to leisure, these apps have been my go-to in 2023.

Helperbird: More Than Just an App

Of course, I have to start with Helperbird. It's not just because I created it, but because it genuinely makes a difference in my day-to-day activities.

As someone who's navigated the challenges of dyslexia, Helperbird is my way of ensuring the digital space is accessible for everyone. It's a tool that's close to my heart, making the internet a friendlier place for those who experience similar challenges.

Carrot Weather: Forecasting with a Twist

I've always had a thing for quirky, unique apps, and Carrot Weather fits the bill perfectly. It's not your average weather app – it's got personality, humor, and, of course, accurate weather forecasts. It's like having a meteorologist and a stand-up comedian rolled into one on your phone.

Read and Write & Helperbird: Empowering Choices

As a writer and a tech enthusiast, I find Read and Write to be a great tool. It's like having a personal assistant for writing. From reading text out loud to providing vocabulary suggestions, it's fantastic for anyone who spends a lot of time writing or reading online.

But hey, it's all about options, right? That's why I also turn to Helperbird – it offers similar features, and as the creator, I'm proud to say it stands toe-to-toe with the best out there. It's all about having the right tools at your fingertips.

Crashy Road 2: My Go-To Game

Everyone needs a break now and then, and Crashy Road 2 is my perfect escape. It's a fun, engaging game that's easy to pick up but challenging to master.

Whether I'm waiting for my coffee to brew or taking a short break from coding, this game is a great way to unwind.

Twitter: The Pulse of the Planet

Twitter remains a staple in my daily routine. It's where I connect with the tech community, stay updated with the latest trends, and share my thoughts and updates.

It's more than just a social media platform; it's a community and a source of inspiration and engagement.

Fitness App on iPhone: Balancing Tech and Health

In the world of screens and code, it's crucial to stay active. The Fitness app on my iPhone has been a game changer.

It helps me keep track of my workouts, set goals, and stay motivated. It's a daily reminder that health is wealth, especially in our fast-paced tech world.

Each of these apps has played a unique role in my 2023, blending utility, entertainment, and personal growth.

From enhancing digital accessibility to staying fit, they've enriched my life in more ways than one. Here's to another year of amazing tech discoveries!

Until next Tuesday, keep exploring and stay caffeinated!

Robert James Gabriel